Innovation Ecosystem
The University of Bayreuth is an active driver of the regional innovation ecosystem. Among other things, the institute works closely together with the other universities in Upper Franconia - the University of Bamberg as well as the two universities of applied sciences in Coburg and Hof - regionally based research centres, start-up and innovation centres, the Upper Franconian chambers, associations, start-ups, and established companies. Throughout Upper Franconia, a well-functioning network has been established in which numerous actors are in exchange with each other and benefit from each other.

Driver and Partners of the Innovation Ecosystem - © Institut für Entrepreneurship & Innovation Universität Bayreuth
The innovation ecosystem has been further completed in recent decades by considerable investments in the science, research, and transfer infrastructure. Both on the campus itself and in the immediate vicinity of the University of Bayreuth (including the Fraunhofer Centres and Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH) - important research and transfer institutions have been established that are intensively sought after by Upper Franconian companies as cooperation partners.
Start-up companies and established companies are now part of a central, closely linked network, all of whom make a positive contribution to increasing entrepreneurial and regional innovative strength with their specific knowledge and skills.
Being an active partner in the innovation ecosystem offers numerous advantages. Advantages that today have a very significant influence on the future and innovation capability of companies and institutions.
The University contributes to the regional innovation ecosystem primarily with the following expertise and offerings:
Research, access to knowledge and utilization
- The University is a respected research university, distinguished by excellence and transdisciplinarity.
- The scientific expertise in the focus areas is contributed within the scope of transfer activities (preparation of research results, research projects, consultations, etc.).
- Synergies between science and practice are used to solve important future questions and issues (grand challenges) in business and society (transfer as an integral part of research planning / exploitation culture)
Education (Bachelor's/ Master's programmes / Entrepreneurship / Intrapreneurship)
- The University of Bayreuth has seven faculties as well as a broad spectrum of over 160 study programmes
- In addition to the subject-specific courses, courses in the area of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are offered or further expanded at the University of Bayreuth (among others with four new research groups)
Support for Start-ups / for Corporates (Innovation capability)
- The University is a hub of inspiration and innovation: numerous lectures, community events, workshops, camps, pitch competitions, and innovation meetups, etc., attest to this every year
- Using tailored support formats, students, teachers, and companies work on common topics and challenges
- The University offers customized services for students, people interested in founding a company, and companies (see separate points).
- The aim here is to "connect" the different target groups with each other when this can leverage special potential. The cooperation between start-ups and established companies is of great interest to both sides, and offers numerous opportunities to jointly identify innovation requirements and develop solution strategies.
Access to networks (local - international)
- Within the regional innovation ecosystem (researchers, teachers, students, start-ups, companies...)
- International research networks and cooperations
Central point of contact / meeting place
- The building of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation will provide a central point of contact / meeting place directly at the entrance area of the campus starting in 2024 / 2025.
- The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation offers education and transfer services for students, start-ups, and companies in association with the Regional Startup and Innovation Centre of the City of Bayreuth and, as a joint, central innovation and transfer location, once again sustainably expands the innovation ecosystem.

Dr. Petra Beermann
Phone: 0921 / 55-4720
Office: Zapf 1, Room 1.2.15

David Eder
Phone: 0921 / 55-4726
Office: Zapf 1, Room 1.2.19