EXIST Potentials
Strengthening the innovation and start-up ecosystem in Upper Franconia together - EXIST Potentials
EXIST- Potentials project phase: Bayreuth3WURZEL
With its EXIST Potentials guideline, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) supports the establishment and further development of start-up networks as well as the creation of framework conditions for high-growth start-ups and the establishment of a start-up and innovation culture. In this way, the BMWi aims to strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit in interdisciplinary fields in particular. The University of Bayreuth was successful in the "EXIST Potentials" funding competition with its project Bayreuth3WURZEL: Business, University & Region: Entrepreneurship Life Together, and will be funded in this project until 2024.
With a focus on regional networking, the Bayreuth3WURZEL project concentrates on the triad of business, university, and region and strives therein to build a regional start-up and innovation ecosystem.
More information on EXIST Potentiale and previous funding programmes can be found here.
Goals and target groups of EXIST- Potential Bayreuth3WURZEL
The development of a start-up and innovation ecosystem requires the involvement of various stakeholders. Therefore, we strive for a close network with regional economic partners, start-up actors, as well as students and people interested in innovation and start-ups. We achieve this network through different and target group-specific offerings in three fields of action.
Fields of action
- Establish a single entry point for start-up decisions:
Different target groups should receive tailored information services on topics such as entrepreneurship, innovation, start-ups, and intrapreneurship. For this reason, an online platform for the targeted and efficient provision of information and support for those interested in innovation and start-ups is being set up as part of the project.
In this context, a start-up brand will be established, and the network with other stakeholders in the regional start-up ecosystem, plus the monitoring of innovation and start-up activities in the region, will be promoted.
- Development of innovative forms of training for companies and founders:
Through various forms of training for founders as well as companies and their employees, we are strengthening the innovation ecosystem long-term.
To achieve that, we use proven content from our entrepreneurship courses and use it to develop target group-specific, innovative forms of training. By establishing a training network with various internal and external training providers, we enable the continuous development and quality assurance of our training programmes.
- Organization of exchange formats:
Various transfer formats are designed and implemented as part of the project. These transfer formats are aimed at people interested in start-ups and innovations, founders, and regional corporate partners. The aim is to disseminate innovation methods in the region, to provide impetus for innovation and to stimulate start-ups in the region. In addition, various target groups are networked and the acceptance of start-ups as business partners is promoted. Information on upcoming events and exchange formats can be found here.
The University of Bayreuth is funded within the funding line EXIST-Potentials of the BMWi: